Schools work training

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Yesterday morning I went to the BSCWT training session. The session was good, although much of it has been said before. We spent a reasonable chunk of the morning looking at the future of schools work. To do this, however, we spent some time looking at the history of schools work including this quote from Chris Curtis: "the 1945 Education Act led to the church moving from owning education to being its tenant". We (Christian schools work) are now merely visitors in the education system. It was an interesting point.
The rest of the morning was spent looking at difficult questions that we can be asked by young people. It was slightly disappointing that there were only 3 volunteers, including myself there. It does make me wonder if the trust should provide its training in different ways - maybe a slightly deeper level for those of us who work full time for churches and as part of that are seconded to schools work. Having said that I am not really sure what training I would like so it makes it hard to make constructive suggestions.


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