A whirl around the world wide web ...

Thursday, November 09, 2006

I love this time of year for the thoughts that appear on blogs and that are expressed verbally as so much training happens and youth workers take time to step back for 30 seconds and reflect on their ministry.

So I thought I would give a quick map of some great thoughts and/or discussions that are going on around the youth ministry blog world:

has posted about some thoughts from the Youth Specialties convention in Anaheim on how we captivate young people, how we always moan that they don't want to pay attention to the Bible lesson but as soon as you give them a games console or a sports ball they are fine for hours on end.

Kurt has got a
great post thinking about how do we do 'mission trips'. It is a really interesting is mission work becoming too business like - are we actually doing much benefit - "Could we not come up with other ways to expose students to the needs of the world while actually solving some of them at the same time?" Certainly a great question - and as I begin to think how do we encourage our students to be involved in missional work both locally, nationally, and internationally something to chew over.

Josh has a
helpful post on how we link with the parents in our ministry. It is always something we can improve on - we often focus on the young people and then the volunteer leaders that the parents get our left overs - but without them we would have no young people to work with - they give up their time and money to get their child to and from the events and pay from them etc. we should ensure we support and minister to them as best as we can. Something we managed to do in our summer holiday club at the church, was one of the older ladies in the congregation stood by the front door and greeted all the parents as they came to pick up their children. As an ex local teacher she had taught many of the parents and formed some great conversations. Not sure how to reproduce that at all the weekly events.

And for something different
youthblog has another view on the youth workers office!

I would love to hear if anyone has got any thoughts of the stuff I've mentioned.


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