
Saturday, May 12, 2007

Hannah, my wife, is well into Eurovision, so tonight the family got together for a Eurovision night. The music and culture is shocking, the voting is all political, and I still can't quite work out why we watch it, but we do. Phil (Hannah's brother) and I thought Sweden were awesome, and I am sure the introductory bars are the start of another cheesy pop rock song from the last year or so but I can't think what; Hannah thought Ukraine were good. In the end Serbia won. The UK got 19 points which has got to be a fairly respectable score given the political bloc voting, and the song was quite good, sounded a bit like Steps . Ireland, however did really badly with only 5 points they will be sorely upset given they won it a few years ago.


I agree with Hannah, Ukraine were great "eins, zwei, drei". I have to say that me and my friends also thought Germany were amazing - te first time I have heard German jazz music. We also thought that the UK sounded like steps!

Nicky said...
May 13, 2007 12:18 am  

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