Youth ministry questions

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Kurt has a great post on ministry questions that he is thinking about at the moment. They include:
  • How realistic is it to have a working 6 year teaching plan that corresponds with the high school ministry? It sounds make sure we cover what we want etc. but also feels confining.
  • Would you ever use sophomores or juniors in high school in leadership positions in your middle school ministry? If so, in what capacities? We currently only use seniors, but find ourselves turning away really great students who are younger.
  • What's the longest series you've ever taught in your junior high ministry? Occassionaly we do six-week series (usually as part of a church-wide campaign), but they feel so stinkin' long.
Some interesting questions that if I get a chance later tonight, I will post my thoughts on these and the others.


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