A good idea for advent

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Various people have mentioned recently this Advent resource by The Jerusalem Trust. They have produced 25 thirty-second films that allow people to reflect on the meaning of their lives as Christmas comes near. They are on a really good website called Paperless Christmas. Like an Advent calendar, you click on one window every day, and the film emerges from behind it. The first window is already available to open, but the rest will be revealed> over the next four weeks.

One of my friends suggested the following two ways of using it:

First, it would be a lovely variation on a family Advent calendar. It is aimed at adults, but older children will get the point.

Second, it has specifically been designed to help non-Christians 'keep the rumour of God alive' (it becomes gradually more explicit in its evangelistic intentions as days go by). My suggestion is that if, over the next few days, you are emailing work colleagues or others outside the church (or anyone, for that matter), you add it to the foot of the message and invite them to click on the link. (Click on it first to make sure it doesn't contravene any organisational email protocols - but I can't imagine it does.)

Go use it, it really is good.


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