Haircuts and money

Saturday, December 30, 2006

With us buying our first house Hannah and I have been looking at ways in which we can save money. We realised that if I get my haircut once every month then that costs us £150 each year. If Hannah could cut my hair then it costs us nothing! So today we went to Boots and invested in some hair clippers for the grand cost of £15. It has all the bits - loads of different attachments so your hair doesn't end up looking too short:
Hannah and my mum had a go on my hair tonight and it all seems great. I am looking forward to regularly having my haircut in the comfort of my own home!


Well I seem to only have a haircut about every 6 months, annual cost £16.

"hair doesn't end up looking too short"
I don't know what Hannah's skills are like but if it's not quite right you can only cut more off to fix it, and that could go further than desired!

Well done and good luck on money saving.

Anonymous said...
December 30, 2006 11:20 pm  

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