Don't change your church

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Out of Ur has a post of an interview with Dan Kimball who says some churches should not adjust their style to reach young people, but they shouldn’t ignore them either. This is a really important issue for me working in a church with a large sector of older people. Here is a sample:

So, not every leader needs to radically change their church?
No, because God may have their church a certain way intentionally. We need different kinds of churches in every city. Everyone doesn’t need to change their style to reflect what we are doing. What does need to change, however, is the development of an outward missional heart—no matter what kind or type of a church you are. But being missional will look different depending on your location, who the leaders are, what the people of the church are like, etc. You can have a very missional church of primarily elderly people or you can have a very non-missional church of twenty-somethings.

It’s hard for churches that are growing older to face the future. Maybe for some older congregations the answer is partnering with a younger church plant. We are doing that with our church. We’ve partnered with an aging church and we share their facilities. We are really joining together. It has its difficulties, but because it is missionally motivated it is extremely rewarding. But what makes it possible is that the older church has a missional mindset.

Check out
here for it all.


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